A just result for Alistair Webster QC's client

Alistair Webster, instructed by Ben Henry of Jonas Roy Bloom, has successfully defended the former head of the Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service, who had been charged with fraud by abuse of position. He was alleged to have dishonestly rigged a tender process. A holder of the Queen’s Fire Medal who had had an exemplary career in the Fire Service, his life had come crashing down about his ears when the accusation was made.

After a unanimous acquittal, Alistair comments: “ We were fortunate in that we kept pushing for disclosure and, eventually, documents came to light which cast serious doubt upon the honesty of the principal accuser and his account of events. The case was hard fought and it was a huge pleasure to be able to see my client and his wife and the relief which they clearly felt, at the end of their long ordeal. In my view this case raised, yet again, serious issues in relation to disclosure. The system requires a complete overhaul as it clearly isn’t working.”

Martin Adams